Saturday, February 27, 2016

My Social Book

I have been on Facebook since 2008. Since then I have shared so many 
precious pictures and memories. For years I have wished that I could somehow
print it all out. Well, a couple of months ago I came across a website that 
would make it possible. My Social Book has far exceeded my 
expectations. Not only do I now have a copy of some of my years
on Facebook but they are all chronicled in high quality
hardcover books. 

Now that digital pictures are the norm I never really print them out. 
I have stacks of photo albums from before the digital age. My children love to
look through them but some of my kiddos do not have photo
albums containing their pictures. Now they not only have 
pictures but they have written memories to go with them. 

My plan is to eventually print out all of my years on Facebook. Printing
these books can get a bit expensive so I am spacing out the rest of my collection. I would highly 
recommend My Social Books to everyone wanting to preserve
their memories via Facebook. 

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